[ Reposted from asert4 ]
This was the First Picture i saw on soup that made me click repost, safe the thing on my Drive, even post in G+ to see if someone would get it. Nobody did. I don't miss G+,never did for one minute,but i will miss soup as hell.
[ Reposted from oneeyed ]
I'd like to say few things about why Loforo isn't a clone of soup.io.
Loforo seems to be closer to Tumblr than to soup.io actually.
This will be a rant about User eXperience.
The very basis of the soup.io phenomenon is the continuity of focus.
You are always in the same space: On a timeline. Either /everyone or /friends or /fof or a particular user.
You scroll the timeline and no action except explicitely clicking on a permalink takes you away.
Check check, break break.
Our soup.io is no more.
RSS export didn't work.
Maybe for the lucky few.
May this place be a new start.
Between this and other platforms.
We will find the spirit once again.